Ant is a star ... 125 different editions of Digitiser ..!
Channel 4, 1990s.
P172 Teletext 172 Apr 1 21:12:28 ***************** ******************* ***************** ******************** *************************************** RADIOHEAD - THE CREEP PC published by Radiohead Multimedia GENRE: Shoot 'em up-cum-RPG *************************************** GRAPHICS 9.0 * UPPERS SOUND 6.5 * Great music! GAMEPLAY 7.0 * Great graphics! PRESENTATION 4.0 * Great gameplay OVERALL 91% * -------------------- ****************** DOWNERS SUMMARY: * Doesn't know what The definitive * the hell it wants game based on a * to be - music or contemporary * a game prog-rock band. * No multi-player Superb! * mode as such *************************************** TOMORROW: QUEEN - THE EYE TURNER, YOU STUPID GIRL p152