Ant is a star ... 125 different editions of Digitiser ..!
Channel 4, 1990s.
P475 Teletext 475 Jan 2 20:55:36 ************* --------------- ********* ** ********* **************** ***** * ** ********* *** *** *** *** ***** * ----- * ------ WITH MR NUDE - ******** * **** Send me your gaming tips or ******** requests for help and I won't ******* ever die! Write to: CHIPS & TEATS, DIGITISER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. ------------ COMPETITION -------------- After a longer gestation period than an orc, Virgin's follow-up to puzzle adventure The 7th Guest is arriving. It is The 11th Hour, you know, and we have five to give away to ghosts (you). For a chance to win one, answer this:
What would happen if you told 11 guests a joke about choc? ---------------------------------3/3--- COMPETITION CLOSES ON JANUARY 15 Send to: HAND OVER CRANLEIGH, c/o DIGITISER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT