Ant is a star ... 125 different editions of Digitiser ..!
Channel 4, 1990s.
P474 Teletext 474 Jan 2 20:53:03 ********** **************** ** ** ** ********** ** ************ ********* ********* ** ************ * * * -- 1995 WINNERS - ** VB: WHAT WENT BAD?
I think what's wrong with the Virtual Boy is this: the whole concept. A red- screened Game Boy with a 32-bit CPU and bleepy two-channel sound in a stupid- shaped box just won't cut the mustard.
The reason why the GB beat the Game Gear was the fantastic software, ease of use and price. The VB fails on all these counts. John Organ, Bournemouth
Yes. Along with the Super Game Boy, the VB made it back-to-back mess-ups for Nintendo. ----------------------------------3/4-- Hot Topic - win a Future mag sub: WHAT ARE YOUR THREE GAMING WISHES FOR 1996?