Archived Pages > Oracle 1992

Oracle 1992

31st December 2010 - From Ant :

At this time of year I'm always reminded of how long it has been since Oracle disappeared - 18 years ago this evening in fact. With that in mind. thought you might like this. Bits and pieces of it have been floating around in various forms for a while but at the moment I think this is probably the most complete and restored version of the full last night of Oracle. Sourced from an SVHS recording, processed with some teletext hardware that basically did its best to repair the pages from as many repeat cycles as it could make out, and - after much procrastination - a certain amount of human repair (that would be me then).

P212/02 ORACLE 212 Thu31 Dec CEN 2305:23
   ********** ******* *******  ******** 
   ********** ******* *******  ******** 
   FOR YOUR FORECAST CALL 0839 40 50 +  
   ARIES  01  LEO     05 SAGITARIUS 09  
   TAURUS 02  VIRGO   06 CAPRICORN  10  
   GEMINI 03   IBRA   07 AQUARIUS   11  
   CANCER 04  SCORPIO 08 PISCES     12  
       WIN  WIN  WIN  WIN  WIN  WIN     
      ************ *************  **    
      *** ****** * * ***** ****** **    
    +SUPER NES +SUPERSCOPE 0839 406080  
           **************   ***         
     PLUS  **************   *** PLUS    
           ******* ******   ***         
    MEGA DRIVE + MEGA CD   0839 406081  
    GAME GEAR + TUNER      0839 406082  
    IOS Ltd,25 Billing Rd,Northampton   
   Charge per min: 36p cheap/48p other  
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