Archived Pages > TCC 1995

The Childrens' Channel 1995

"Found this in the archives - a near-complete copy of the editorial pages (none of the holiday adverts!) from The Children's Channel. This was in May 1995 while it was in its "TCC" phase, and before ace presenter Ged (who had his very own pages) left and joined The Disney Channel. Could it really have been 15 years ago..."

Thanks, Ant!

  P250  TCC Text 250 Fri  5 May 15:05:03
 ** ********* **   For TCC's youngest   
  *************    viewers there's now  
  ** ********** *  an extra special     
  ** * ** ** ** *  treat each weekday.  
  ************* *                       
 ** ********* ** * From 9am through to  
 * ********** **   3.00pm, Mums and tiny
  ***** ****** *   tots can enjoy 6     
  ****  ** *** *   hours of the best in 
  ***** ****** *   pre-school shows from
 * ********** *    around the world.    
 **** **** ***                          
 *********                             *
   TINY TCC is packed full of the very  
   best in pre-school animation and     
   series together with a whole host of 
   features to keep tots entertained    
   (and educated, of course!).          
   You can guarantee there'll be lots of
   singing, birthday spots, competitions
   stories and make and dos.         1/5
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