Archived Pages > TCC 1995

The Childrens' Channel 1995

"Found this in the archives - a near-complete copy of the editorial pages (none of the holiday adverts!) from The Children's Channel. This was in May 1995 while it was in its "TCC" phase, and before ace presenter Ged (who had his very own pages) left and joined The Disney Channel. Could it really have been 15 years ago..."

Thanks, Ant!

  P245  TCC Text 245 Fri  5 May 15:45:46
         ****   *******************  8/8
 ***  ********** *  GED'S SCENE:        
 *** ***** ******   TOTALLY XCELLENT!   
 *** ****  ** ***   Mon-Fri: 3.30-5pm   
 *** ***** ****** **********************
 ***  ********** *  The winners of my   
 *** **  ****  **  birthday card        
 *** **********  competition will be    
 ***    announced on May 22nd.          
 ** *                                   
 ***    Also, write to me and let me    
 ***    know how you are. I promise to  
 ***    reply to you, although it may   
 ***    take a little while. And if you 
 ***    would like me to get the lowdown
 ******   on anybody, then let me know, 
 ****     your wish is my command!      
 ******   See you on TCC every weekday  
    ***   for your fave teatime         
 ******   ingredients between 3.30-5pm. 
 ***   Don't forget to join me! Love you
 ***   all loads, your teen mate GED XXX
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