Archived Pages > Oracle 1992

Oracle 1992

31st December 2010 - From Ant :

At this time of year I'm always reminded of how long it has been since Oracle disappeared - 18 years ago this evening in fact. With that in mind. thought you might like this. Bits and pieces of it have been floating around in various forms for a while but at the moment I think this is probably the most complete and restored version of the full last night of Oracle. Sourced from an SVHS recording, processed with some teletext hardware that basically did its best to repair the pages from as many repeat cycles as it could make out, and - after much procrastination - a certain amount of human repair (that would be me then).

P119/06 ORACLE 119 Thu31 Dec ITV 2238:39
 ********                           6/13
 ******** SARAJEVO PROTESTERS           
 ******** JEER UN CHIEF                 
 A 200-strong crowd jeered UN Secretary 
 General Boutros Boutros-Ghali when he  
 left a meeting in Sarajevo with Bosnian
 Vice President Ejup Ganic.             
 Sarajevo's Moslem majority is bitter   
 that the UN refuses to lift a weapons  
 embargo that prevents them fighting    
 back against the better-armed Serbs.   
 Mr Boutros-Ghali said the city's best  
 hope still lay in negotiations.        
 His talks with Mr Ganic precedes the   
 first face-to-face meeting in Geneva   
 this weekend between leaders of        
 Bosnia's warring factions.             
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